My summerhouse is set within the garden, surrounded by flowers and the buzzing of bees and other insects. A lot of inspiration for both writing and painting is born within its calm interior
The Magical Garden

Oil on canvas. Copies available on request.
In June 2005 my husband enrolled me on a 'Flying without Fear' course with Virgin Airways at Gatwick Airport. I hadn't flown for over 20 years and he was a little tired of holidaying in France! It was an emotional and intensive day! Starting at 9am we were bombarded with facts by experienced pilots, psychologists and ex 'flyaphobics' who apparently can't get enough of a 737!. With only a short break for lunch and with the dreaded test flight drawing ever nearer, any reasons (legitimate or otherwise) that we had for NOT flying had by then been very clearly eradicated by the experts. Half an hour to the Isle of Wight and back reinforced the theory that it can be fun! As a result of the course I am now a 'flier' although not altogether comfortable with the experience. We were given a tape on the day in which you are asked to imagine a beautiful garden. Whenever the panic takes over you revisit that garden in your mind and all will be well. The painting is 6 x 4 feet and executed in oils on canvas. I was due to fly to Cork on a day when I was engrossed in the painting and was very nearly late for the flight. Now when I 'feel the fear', instead of gripping the seat with more force than a pair of wrenches, I visit my Magical Garden. I imagine re-painting it and know every detail and colour in my mind as clearly as if it were in front of me.
Wisley Gardens, Surrey
I was lucky enough to be invited to make some work for another Magical Garden and produced a series of images based on the sections of the gardens at the Royal Horticultural Societies gardens at Wisley in Surrey. All the paintings are executed in ink on paper. (ALL SOLD)
Tropical garden. Based on the plants and flowers growing in the hotel grounds of our hotel in La Gomera
One year in my garden. Every flower that bloomed in my garden in 2011 was recorded and the work finished in April of 2013. OIL ON CANVAS WITH GOLD LEAF.
New ways of drawing.
Following a visit to see David Hockney's amazing exhibition of work executed on his ipad I was inspired to try some of my own.
Summer 2014 - mixed media work inspired by the long hot Summer